Bringing the Medieval and Ancient Worlds to Life
Multisensory Education (Pty.Ltd.) has been operating history incursion programs (and training and mentoring new graduate teachers starting their careers) for over a quarter of a century.
We mainly provide activity days for level 7 and 8 students to experience interactive activities relating to medieval or ancient history.
These activity days take place at schools, usually in normal school time, and normal class groups, but using lots of weapons and armour and archery and juggling gear (and interactive whiteboards and multi sensory media) to get top level interaction.

A Sample of what we do
A short video outlining the sorts of things students would do in a standard day of Medieval Education
Develop Your Schools Activity and Save
Although many schools like us to take the whole year level, or at least half of it, and run a day or half day of activities; realistically that will usually average between $9 and $14 a head – depending on the numbers and program. We recommend that a school consider dividing several classes of 25 into fewer groups of 30 to 32 to help reduce costs.
However many schools prefer to run their own day, with their own teachers handling most of the activities, and ours only handling specialist topics like the Weapons and Armour or the Tournament session. This can reduce prices to as little as $3 or $4 a head, and allows the school to offer a banquet as well. Usually our presenters will be happy to provide some entertainment at the banquet after they have finished their sessions.
In fact a few schools have hired archery or games equipment from us for their own teachers to present some sessions, while we handle the more detailed ones.
So if you would like to run a program, but lack budget, please talk to us about what might be possible.
It is our commitment to our clients that we will try and tailor the best and most interactive package possible for the price your school can afford.
You really helped to bring the day to life. Not only did the girls have fun but they learned a great deal also.

Oriana Moulton
Camberwell Anglican Girls GrammarYour company has a great name... presentations always excellent. Even teachers who watch it every year get new ideas every time

Mary-Anne Marshall
Salesian CollegeStudents got a lot out of the morning and your hands-on material will no doubt stay in their minds for a long time – your activities certainly complimented our own study of the period.

R. A. Webster
Glen Waverley Secondary CollegeEvery year it just gets better and better!

Mark Johnstone
Scotch College (2005)Very engaging and informative with interesting stories and historical information to supplement the practical activities. Very relatable and fun for Year 8s.

Adrienne Gammune
Blackburn High School, 2022