Working With Students

Interaction with the students

Our programs are based on the principle that all students learn faster through hands-on multi-sensory environments. Particularly students who have a hard time coping with traditional ‘blackboard’ learning. Therefore every student will experience a diverse range range of audio-visual, tactile, interactive and role-play based activities through the course of one of our days.

We can virtually guarantee a positive and productive result from the vast majority of students.

To ensure that these presentations are leading edge, we have literally toured the world investigating interactive and multi-sensory programs.

We’ve visited genuine Medieval locations in Europe and Japan, re-created ones in America and Asia, and other interactive learning centres from the Children’s Science Museum in Auckland to the Bovington Tank Museum in the UK. We investigate any centre which explores hands on interaction.

We pick the best concepts from wherever we find them, and incorporate them in our presentations, role plays and games.

Kentwell Hall

Kentwell Hall and Gardens, Suffolk, UK


Experimental archeology in action located in Burgundy, France

Colchester Castle

Colchester Castle and Keep, Essex, Uk

Invasion Museum

Historical Museum of the Landing in Sicily in 1943

TANK Museum

Home of the annual Tankfest in Wareham, Dorset